
  • 2017/04/08(Sat) 11:00(+0800) ~ 2017/04/09(Sun) 22:30(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 桃園埔心牧場 / 桃園市楊梅區幼獅路一段439號
  • 樂譜文創事業
Organizer 樂譜文創事業


  1. 擁有它,在LOOPTOPIA 樂托邦國際音樂季裡毋須離場跳脫情緒,可以完整體驗這二天一夜的奇幻旅程。
  2. 一張露營區票券最多可六人使用,戴上營區手環,即可進入專屬於你的神祕領域。
  3. 獨享園區內淋浴設施(有熱水喔!),且擁有專用置物櫃,隨時都可以回來整裝再出發。
  4. 不用擔心有無露營經驗,我們已貼心幫您搭好營帳+準備好地墊跟睡袋,就等著你輕鬆來佔領。
  5. 露營區內設置有獨立販賣區,可以代幣購買多樣化民生必須品。
  6. LOOPTOPIA 第一天活動結束後,可自由參加只有露營區才享有的營火After Party(11PM-3AM)。




●  六人露營名額
●  營位一個
●  營帳一頂(360*200cm)、地墊一張、睡袋六個
●  專屬置物櫃一個


營區開放時間:2017/4/8 (六) 11AM~ 2017/4/9 (日) 10:30PM

● Check-in 時段:4/8(六)11AM ~ 4PM 
● Check-out 時段:4/9(日) 12PM ~ 10:30PM
● 營區休息時段(宵禁):4/9(日)3AM ~ 11AM

*4/9(日) 3AM ~ 11AM禁止所有人出入園區活動場地,4/9(日) 11AM 才會開放再次入場,請務必遵守規範。


【LOOPTOPIA 樂托邦聚落營地露營規則及注意事項】

  1. 樂托露營票券不包含活動入場票券。每個人都必須憑有效露營票券至露營區報到處辦理手續,換取營區手環入場。一張露營票券 (一個營區單位) 至多六人使用,人到齊方可報到,未滿六人視同放棄剩餘名額,完成報到後不可再追加人員。
  2. 露營區手環供雙日進出露營區使用;活動期間請務必全程配戴,拆卸者必須離開露營區不得進入。
  3. 露營票券及露營區手環視為有價證券,請妥善保管。如發生損失、破壞、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發或退換票券及手環。
  4. 請在填寫區填完個人基本資料及露營守則同意書簽名後,準備好您的露營票券及個人有效證件(身分證、駕照、護照擇一) 一起至露營區完成check-in手續(人到齊方可報到,未滿六人視同放棄剩餘名額)。活動期間須押一張證件及押金3,000元整。
  5. 完成報到手續後會幫您帶上露營區手環,並且依照營位號碼發給專屬置物櫃鑰匙,鑰匙上的號碼就是您的營位號碼。我們很貼心地幫您搭好了帳篷,此次活動不開放自帶或自搭營帳,以便於安全管理。
  6. 4/9(日) 12PM~22:30PM為辦理check-out時段,提醒大家早點辦理手續,才不會在巔峰時刻等待太久。辦理Check out手續時請攜帶六個睡袋至辦裡櫃檯,我們會退還您押金及證件。若有下列情事,主辦單位有權扣抵押金:
  • 破壞、損毀、遺失、偷竊營帳、睡袋、地墊或營區內的任何佈置與設施
  • 一個營帳無論報到人數,都會發給六個睡袋,辦理check-out手續時若有短少,每一睡袋扣除500元押金
  • 若因個人因素無法在規定期段內完成check-out手續,會扣除3000元押金當作後續執行費用並清空置物櫃
  • 營帳、置物櫃及營區內設施於活動期間內都可以使用,離營時請將置物櫃鑰匙歸還給服務台人員即可,若遺失置物櫃鑰匙,請至服務台登記辦理開櫃,並扣除500元押金
  1. 宵禁休息期間 (4/9週日3AM~11AM) 禁止所有人出入活動場地,或大聲喧嘩、製造噪音及一切影響他人休憩之情事。
  2. 露營區內設置有獨立販賣區,可以代幣購買多樣化民生必須品。
  3. 露營區內禁止炊食、生營火。
  4. 進入露營區,嚴禁發生下列行為:
  • 意圖闖進規定不得擅入或暫不開放之區域
  • 未經主辦單位同意在營區內私搭帳篷
  • 攀爬屬於場地基礎建設之一部份的棚帳、建築物、圍籬、圍牆、燈柱、桌台等
  • 投擲或施放鬆散及煙霧狀的物體、液體或其他產品
  • 在禁止吸煙區吸煙
  • 隨地便溺
  • 破壞、毀損、偷竊營區內任何佈置及各項設施
  1. 營區內應隨時注意主辦單位或其指定或委派人員所發佈的各項指示;不遵守指示行事時,將有可能被請出露營區;主辦單位必要時得請警察局派員前來處理。主辦單位對於被禁止進入露營區之人,有權沒收其手環並不許其再次進入。主辦單位將任何人驅逐出園區後,並無義務為其辦理退費。
  2. 請盡可能維護節慶活動場地乾淨,讓世界看見我們台灣電音派對文化的環保深度。營區內對垃圾收集點之位置,皆有明確標示,請前往這些收集點處理您的廢棄物,切勿亂丟垃圾。營區內廁所都會定時打掃,嚴禁在廁所以外地方隨地大小便。
  3. 毒品零容忍政策:營區不容許毒品出現,禁止在露營區持有、使用、交易毒品。任何人若被查獲毒品,都會被驅逐出活動場地及送警法辦。
  4. 請妥善保管自身財物,若有遺失或毀損,主辦單位概不負責。
  5. 其他相關規範請參閱本活動公佈之所有相關規章。如發生以上規定外的特殊狀況,依情節輕重,一切依主辦單位之決定作為處置;主辦單位對該狀況所作的處置決定即屬最終決定。


6 Facts about LOOPTOPIA Travellers’Camp:

  1. With camping tickets, you can fully immerse yourself in the festival experience without having to leave the festival site. 
  2. One camping ticket can redeem a maximum of 6 wristbands for 6 campers. Only those with the special bands may enter the campsite. 
  3. Campers have unlimited access to lockers and HOT showers so that you can freshen up anytime and continue with the fun.
  4. Don't worry about not having any camping experience; all the tents are pitched and equipped with camping mats and sleeping bags. 
  5. Campsite includes its own mini shop where tokens can be used to purchase daily necessities.
  6. After the daytime festivities concludes, campers have exclusive access to the bonfire after-party (11PM-3AM). 


【LOOPTOPIA Travellers’ Camp】

***LOOPTOPIA camping tickets do not include LOOPTOPIA event tickets.***
***Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter the campsite.***

Each camping ticket includes the following items:
● Up to six camping wristbands
● Designated camping ground 
● One tent (360*200cm)
, camping mat, and six sleeping bags
● Designated locker

***Bring your own tent to the campsite is not allowed for security management.***


Campsite opening hours:11AM, April 8 (Sat), 2017 to 22:30PM, April 9 (Sun), 2017
Check-in times:11AM ~ 4PM, April 8 (Sat)
Check-out times:12PM ~ 10:30PM, April 9 (Sun)
Curfew hours: 3AM ~ 11AM, April 9 (Sun)

***During the curfew hours (03:00~11:00, April 9), no entry to the festival site is allowed, and campers shall keep quiet and stop any activities that will affect other’s rest.




【LOOPTOPIA Campsite Rules and Notice】

  1. LOOPTOPIA camping ticket does not include LOOPTOPIA Music Festival event admission. Campers shall bring a valid camping ticket to complete check-in procedure at the campsite and exchange camping wristbands to enter the campsite. Each camping ticket is valid for a maximum of six persons. All members of a group must arrive at the same time before reporting. A group less than six persons will be considered as a waiver of the remaining vacancies. No supplementary members are allowed after reporting.
  2. Camping wristband is good for the entire 2-Day admission to the campsite. Please wear your wristbands throughout the whole event. Wristbands are void if tampered with or removed. You will be asked to leave the campsite without a wristband.
  3. Please pay close attention to your tickets and wristbands. Stolen or lost tickets cannot be reissued. The event organizers will not be held responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged tickets and wristbands. No replacements will be issued.
  4. After filling out the personal basic data and signing the statement of compliance with camping rules, prepare your camping ticket and valid ID (either the ID card, driver’s license, or passport) to complete the check-in procedure. (All members of a group must arrive at the same time and a group less than six persons is considered as a waiver of the remaining vacancies.)  One ID will be held and a deposit of NT$3,000 will be requested during the event.
  5. After completing the check-in procedure, staff will put on campsite wristbands for you and give you the key of your own locker.  The number on your key will be the same as your camp number.  We will thoughtfully pitch the tent for you. Bring your own tent to the campsite is not allowed for security management.
  6. Check-out time is between 12PM~22:30PM on Sunday, April 9. Please start the check-out procedure earlier in order not to wait for too long at the peak hours.  When checking out, please bring the six sleeping bags to the check-outcounter, and staff will return your deposit and ID. The event organizer has the right to deduct your deposit for following conditions:
  • Damage, destruction, loss, or theft of the tent, sleeping bag, mat, and any decorations or facilities on the campsite.
  • Regardless of the number of campers, each tent will be given six sleeping bags. If there is a shortage during check-out procedure, NT$500 will be deducted from your deposit for each sleeping bag.
  • Campsite cleanup will start at 10:30PM on Sunday, April 9. If you fail to complete the check-out procedure by check-out time for personal reasons, we will deduct the whole amount of your deposit for the subsequent processing fee and empty your locker.
  • You can use the tents, lockers and campsite facilities during the event period. Simply leave the locker key to the staff when you leave the campsite. If you lose the locker key, please apply for locker opening at the service counter. NT$500 will be deducted from your deposit.
  1. During the curfew hours (03:00~11:00, April 9), no entry to the festival site is allowed, and campers shall keep quiet and stop any activities that will affect other’s rest.
  2. Campsite includes its own mini shop where tokens can be used to purchase daily necessities.
  3. No cooking and building campfire is allowed on the campsite.
  4. The following behaviors are prohibited on the campsite:
  • Attempt to entry to the no-entry or temporarily-closed areas
  • Pitchingyour own private tent on the campsite without the organizer’s permission.
  • Climbing the tents, buildings, fences, enclosing walls, lampposts, and tabletops forming part of the infrastructure of the campsite.
  • Throwing or setting loosing or smoky objects, liquids, or other products.
  • Smoking in the non-smoking areas.
  • Urinating anywhere.
  • Damage, destruction, theft of any decorations or facilities on the campsite.
  1. Please show your valid ID when searched or inspected by security personnel. If you fail to show a valid identity document, you will be asked to leave the campsite and will not be allowed to enter the campsite. In addition, you will have no rights to request for a refund of the admission fee.
  2. Please keep the festivity venue clean as much as possible for the world to see the cultural height of music festival in Taiwan. There are clear indications of the location of garbage collection points on the campsite, please dispose of your waste at these collection points. Do not litter. The toilets on the campsite will be cleaned regularly. Do not defecate or urinate anywhere outside of the toilets.

It is forbidden to be in possession of drugs on at the campsite. If you are caught for dealing/using drugs, you’ll be forced to leave the campsite and the organizer may call on the police.

  1. The organizer will not be responsible for the custody of the items in the tent and the locker on the campsite. Please take your valuable items with you at all times.
  2. Matters not provided in these general rules shall be resolved at the organizer’s decisions. The organizer’s decision on a situation not provided for herein shall be the final decision. Visitors violating these general rules will be asked to leave or will be expelled from the venue without requesting for refunding the admission fee. A visitor who is rejected from entry or expelled from the venue shall immediately leave the festivity venue and/or the campsite without delay!


活 動 資 訊|

活動日期:2017/4/8 (六) - 2017/4/9 (日)





主辦單位:theLOOP Events





DATE: Sat. April 8th& Sun. April 9th, 2017

TIME: 12:00-22:00 (DOORS OPEN AT 11AM)

LOCATION: Taoyuan Pushin Ranch

EVENT BY: theLOOP Events

INFO HOTLINE: 0966-136-000

EVENT WEBSITE: www.looptopia.cc

FB FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/LooptopiaFest/



票 價 資 訊|



購 票 方 式 說 明|

  1. 本活動網站購票僅接受會員購買,購票前請先加入會員,以便開賣當日進行購票流程,建議可於會員"設定"中的"報名預填資料"先行存檔「姓名」和「手機」,可減少購票時間快速進行下一步。
  2. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您,在註冊會員或是結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
  3. 訂單成立通知信可能因其他因素未能寄達,僅提供交易通知之用,未收到訂單成立通知信不代表交易沒有成功,又或是刷卡付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試刷卡(即便收到銀行的授權成功的簡訊或電子郵件),若訂單逾期取消,則表示訂單真的沒有成立,請再重新訂購。一旦無法確認於網站上的訂單是否交易成功,請至會員帳戶的"訂單"查詢您的消費資料,只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的票券明細,若查不到您所訂購的票券,表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。
  4. KKTIX網站購票:
    • 加入會員,每筆訂單限購2張
    • 付款方式:信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)、ATM虛擬帳號及全家FamiPort代碼繳費
    • ATM虛擬帳號付款注意事項:僅限於台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡並已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」之功能,請務必於期限內付款,逾期未付款訂單將會自動取消
    • 全家FamiPort代碼繳費注意事項:單筆訂單總金額不足$1,500或超過$20,000,皆無法選用全家 FamiPort 代碼繳費方式
    • 取票方式:郵寄(僅接受郵寄至台灣地址、手續費每筆$49)、全家取票(手續費每筆$30張為限,請於全家便利商店繳納給櫃臺)
    • KKTIX購票流程圖示說明 請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort取票說明 請點我
  5. 全家便利商店FamiPort購票:
    • 無需加入會員,每筆訂單限購2張
    • 付款方式:僅接受現金
    • 取票方式:付款完畢直接於全家便利商店櫃臺現場取票,免手續費
    • 全家便利商店店鋪查詢 請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort購票流程圖示說明 請點我
    • 於全家便利商店FamiPort列印繳費單後,需在10分鐘內在該店櫃檯完成結帳,若無法在時間內完成結帳取票,訂單將會被取消,原本購買的席次將釋回到系統中重新銷售。
    • 於全家便利商店之購票動作皆於結帳取票後方能保證席次,請注意單憑列印繳費單無法保證其席次。

注 意 事 項|

  1. 退票需酌收票面金額10%手續費,限2017/3/28(含)前寄達至KKTIX郵政信箱,請詳閱KKTIX退換票規定
  2. 毒品零容忍政策:
  • 本活動嚴禁攜帶、吸食或販賣非法物品、管制藥品及危險物品,任何人若被查獲違反上述規則,都會被驅逐出活動場地及送警法辦。
  1. 本活動16歲以下禁止入場;青少年票限16歲以上/18歲以下購買,入場需出示身份證,若查獲已滿18歲持青少年票者,需補差額至現場票票價才能入場。
  2. 本活動將不會販售菸酒給18歲以下的青少年朋友,持青少年票入場者將會有不同入場手環辨識,請勿以身試法請他人代買菸酒,如經查獲,青少年本人與代購之成年者雙方皆須離場。
  3. 18歲以下青少年不得進入露營區。本活動遵行法規實施宵禁,未滿18歲青少年須於22:00活動結束後離場,不得逗留園區及露營區,請於隔日活動開始再次進場。
  4. 一人一票憑票於入口兌換入場手環,入場後一律以手環辨識;如需中途離場,不得再次入場。
  5. 每張套票限兌手環一枚,供雙日入場使用;活動期間請務必全程配戴,拆卸者恕必須離場。活動期間如發現未配戴手環者,依規定必須離場。
  6. 活動票券及入場手環視為有價證券,請妥善保管。如發生損失、破壞、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發或退換票券及入場手環。
  7. 請於購票前確認購票細節,並呼籲不要購買來路不明的票券,以免自身權益受損,主辦單位保留認定票券合法性之權利。
  8. 本活動禁止攜帶:
  • 所有飲料或食物
  • 液體、凝膠和噴霧類物品
  • 空拍機、遙控飛機
  • 非法物品、管制藥品或類似物品
  • 雷射筆、專業錄影拍攝器材
  • 易燃物品、材料或噴劑
  • 煙火、槍械、刀械、棍棒或玻璃瓶類等危險物品
  • 已拆封之香菸盒
  • 動物(導盲犬除外)
  1. 本活動入場時需經檢查攜帶物品程序。進入活動場地均存在某種可能搜索之意涵。此活動將會有安全管理人員對持有活動票券之人做檢查包包及搜身動作,以防有人攜帶違禁物品進入活動場地,危害他人之安全或擾害公共安寧。
  2. 本活動保留驅離行為不當者(違法行為或嚴重妨礙其他消費者)之權利,被驅離之民眾不得向主辦單位要求再次入場或退票。
  3. 主辦單位將為本活動攝影紀錄。
  4. 請妥善保管自身財物,若有遺失或毀損,主辦單位概不負責。
  5. 本活動風雨無阻。如遇天災取消活動,退票將扣除票價10%為手續費。
  6. 主辦單位保有活動內容變更之權利,活動之任何異動以活動官方網站公告為準。



  1. Processing fee (10% of the ticket price) will be charged for all refunding tickets.  No refund 10 days prior to the event.  Please click here for more information.

It is forbidden to be in possession of drugs on at the festival grounds.  If you are caught for dealing/using drugs, you’ll be forced to leave the festival ground and the organizer may call on the police.

  1. You must be 16 or order to enter the festival site.  16-18 teen tickets are limited to attendees over 16 and under 18. You must show identification at the door; those found to be over 18 must pay the difference in at door ticket price to enter the venue.
  2. The bar will not serve alcohol to those with underage wristbands. Do not try to purchase alcohol through a third party. Those in violations of the rules will be asked to leave the premises.
  3. Persons under age of 18 are not allowed to enter the campsite, and they must exit the festival site after 10:00 PM. Please re-enter the following day.
  4. One ticket is only valid for one admission of one person.  All types of tickets must be traded to wristbands to access the festival site.EXIT = NO RE-ENTRY.
  5. 2-Day ticket pass is ONE wristband, good for the entire 2-Day event that you purchased. Please wear your wristbands throughout the whole event.  Wristbands are void if tampered with or removed. You will be asked to leave the festival site without a wristband.
  6. Please pay close attention to your tickets and wristbands. Stolen or lost tickets cannot be reissued. The event organizers will not be held responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged tickets and wristbands. No replacements will be issued.
  7. Please make sure to purchase your tickets from legitimate ticket outlets.
  8. Access with the following objects inside the event is prohibited:
  • NO outside food & drinks
  • NO liquids of any form
  • NO drones / remote control aircraft
  • NO drugs & drug paraphernalia
  • NO laser pointers &professional-caliber cameras
  • NO inflammable products or materials, sprays
  • NO fireworks / explosives / road flare
  • NO knives / weapons / glass / sharp objects
  • NO open packs of cigarettes
  • NO pets / animals except service dogs
  1. Everyone entering the festival grounds will be searched upon entry. You will need to empty your pockets, and have all your items examined. If you have a backpack or purse, security will examine that as well.
  2. Access to the festival site is prohibited or refused to people who are clearly under the influence of alcohol or drugs and resist the control by the festival’s security personnels. The organizer shall have the right to ask the person to leave the event site without refund.
  3. Organizer reserves the right to record, both on film and audiotex, people who attend the festival.
  4. Please be responsible for your own belongings. The organizer will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of property.
  5. The festival will take place despite weather conditions, with the exception of natural disasters. In the event of cancellation due to a natural disaster, tickets will be refunded with processing fee (10% of ticket price).
  6. The organizer reserves the rights to alter the programme or the timetable of the festival.

To avoid unnecessary dispute and damage in equity, please make sure that you have understood and agreed with all of the above. Do not purchase if you disagree with them. You will be viewed as fully understand and agree with these terms when purchasing the ticket or requesting a refund.

桃園埔心牧場 / 桃園市楊梅區幼獅路一段439號

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2017/01/03 12:00(+0800) ~ 2017/04/05 20:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$6,600
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